U Have Integrity
A Gamified Approach to Academic Integrity
https://doi.org/10.11575/cpai.v2i1.68526Mots-clés :
academic integrity, game-based learning, game, gamification, workshop, values, CanadaRésumé
In this article I discuss the development and initial implementation of a workshop using a gamified approach to academic integrity. The 50-minute workshop involved a scenario- based card came. The audience was university staff in Student and Enrolment Services, which included, but was not limited to the Registrar’s Office, Student Services, and Student Wellness.
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Kim, B., Gupta, D., & Clyde, J. (2015). Gameful Space, Activities and Assessment for Game- Based Learning. In Preciado Babb, A.P., Takeuchi, M., and Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing Responsive Pedagogy, pp. 90-100. Werklund School of the Education, University of Calgary.
Marasco, E., Gatti Jr., W., Kim, B., Behjat, L., & Eggermont, M. (2017). Curious conversations: Using game-based learning to develop creative culture within technical courses. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching: Proceedings of the University of Calgary Conference on Learning and Teaching, 2, 57-63.
McGonigal, J. (2010). Gaming Can Make a Better World. TED Talk. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_gaming_can_make_a_better_world.html
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). (2017). Good Practice Note: Addressing contract cheating to safeguard academic integrity. Retrieved from https://www.teqsa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net2046/f/good-practice-note-addressing- contract-cheating.pdf
White, A. (n.d.). Academic Integrity Board Game. Retrieved from https://aibg.amandalovestoaudit.com/
White, A. (2018). Can academic integrity be taught using a board game? Retrieved from https://futures.uts.edu.au/blog/2018/05/31/can-academic-integrity-taught-using- board-game/
Gilliver-Brown, K., & Ballinger, D. (2017). The integrity games’: An interactive story education approach to teaching academic integrity. ATLAANZ Journal, 2(1), 68-81. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/81a5/eb51dd2c94a0691f469a7b164f7694b988f0. pdf
Gray, D., Brown, S., & Macanufo, J. (2010). Gamestorming: A playbook for innovators, rulebreakers and changemakers. Sebastapol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.
International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI). (2014). The fundamental values of academic integrity (2nd ed.). Retrieved from https://academicintegrity.org/wp- content/uploads/2017/12/Fundamental-Values-2014.pdf
Kim, B. (2014). A graduate course as a game to learn about digital game-based learning. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the IDEAS: Rising to Challenge Conference, Calgary, Canada: Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Retrieved from https://dspace.ucalgary.ca/bitstream/handle/1880/50597/2014_IDEAS_Presentatio ns_Kim.pdf
Kim, B., Gupta, D., & Clyde, J. (2015). Gameful Space, Activities and Assessment for Game- Based Learning. In Preciado Babb, A.P., Takeuchi, M., and Lock, J. (Eds.). Proceedings of the IDEAS: Designing Responsive Pedagogy, pp. 90-100. Werklund School of the Education, University of Calgary.
Marasco, E., Gatti Jr., W., Kim, B., Behjat, L., & Eggermont, M. (2017). Curious conversations: Using game-based learning to develop creative culture within technical courses. Papers on Postsecondary Learning and Teaching: Proceedings of the University of Calgary Conference on Learning and Teaching, 2, 57-63.
McGonigal, J. (2010). Gaming Can Make a Better World. TED Talk. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/jane_mcgonigal_gaming_can_make_a_better_world.html
Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA). (2017). Good Practice Note: Addressing contract cheating to safeguard academic integrity. Retrieved from https://www.teqsa.gov.au/sites/g/files/net2046/f/good-practice-note-addressing- contract-cheating.pdf
White, A. (n.d.). Academic Integrity Board Game. Retrieved from https://aibg.amandalovestoaudit.com/
White, A. (2018). Can academic integrity be taught using a board game? Retrieved from https://futures.uts.edu.au/blog/2018/05/31/can-academic-integrity-taught-using- board-game/
Comment citer
Eaton, S. E. (2019). U Have Integrity: A Gamified Approach to Academic Integrity. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 2(1), 27–31. https://doi.org/10.11575/cpai.v2i1.68526
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