Integrity hour and the mental health continuum


  • Lisa Vogt Red River College
  • Breanna Sawatzky
  • Pamela Villafranca



Academic integrity, Integrity Hour, Community of Practice, Mental Health, Post-Secondary, Institutional Culture, Canada


Supporting academic integrity across the institution is an involved process that includes integrating proactive education, designing effective learning spaces, identifying potential academic integrity breaches, and finding resolutions to support student learning. Through published literature as well as anecdotal experiences, we know that upholding the spectrum of academic integrity can take a toll on everyone – including students, instructors, administrators, and support staff. Rapid transitions and isolation brought on by responses to COVID-19 have only intensified this challenge. Using the Integrity Hour model developed by Dr. Sarah Elaine Eaton at the University of Calgary, RRC Polytech has established a community of practice to support staff and grow the institutional culture of academic integrity. In this session, participants will learn more about the Integrity Hour community at RRC Polytech and how the mental health continuum resource has been used to support group discussion. This session will include a demonstration of the Integrity Hour process with an invitation to participate in a circle discussion.

Author Biography

Pamela Villafranca

Pamela Villafranca works as the Mental Health Coordinator with Red River College Polytechnic. Pamela has a Bachelor of Arts in Conflict Resolution Studies from the University of Winnipeg, a Bachelor of Social Work from Dalhousie University, and is currently completing her Masters of Social Work from Dalhousie University. Pamela has worked as a clinical social worker and therapist in a community setting, supporting clients from many backgrounds to build and strengthen familial attachments, and build capacity.


Eaton, S. E. (2020). Integrity Hour: A Guide to Developing and Facilitating an Online Community of Practice for Academic Integrity. Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB.

Eaton, S.E., (2022, February 22). Check your bias at the door. University affairs.

Mental Health Commission of Canada. (2022). The Working Mind: Continuum Self-Check.

Openo, J., & Robinson, R. (2021). The emotional labour of academic integrity: How does it feel? Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 4(1), 20-39.




How to Cite

Vogt, L., Sawatzky, B., & Villafranca, P. (2022). Integrity hour and the mental health continuum . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(1), 30.



Academic Integrity Inter-Institutional Meeting

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