The International Centre for Academic Integrity Canadian Consortium




academic integrity, Canadian Consortium, ICAI Canada, Canada


Academic integrity serves as a critical foundation for learning in post-secondary institutions. However, educational organizations continuously face challenges that threaten efforts to uphold and promote academic integrity. While global collaborations focused on policies, procedures, activities, and research dedicated to academic integrity are valuable, it is equally important to recognize the unique contexts of groups of educational organizations, which are influenced by things like organizational culture, missions, geography, priorities, and specialties, to name a few. Consortiums that meet the specific needs of groups of organizations play a crucial role in this endeavour.  This article will highlight one such consortium that is working to establish a Canadian presence in academic integrity and is affiliated with the International Center for Academic Integrity.

Author Biographies

Dr. Jennie Miron, Humber Polytechnic

Jennie Miron is currently working in a secondment position as the Academic Integrity Lead in the  Faculty of Health Sciences & Wellness (FHSW) at Humber College. Before her secondment, Jennie taught in the Bachelor of Nursing program for the past 18+ years. She is the co-chair of the FHSW Academic Integrity Council, past chair of the Academic Integrity Council of Ontario (AICO), chair of the Canadian National Academic Integrity Consortium, and board member at the International Centre for Academic Integrity. Life and professional experiences have shaped Jennie's efforts to promote integrity across the educational landscape and continue to influence her professional writing, presentations, and research on the topic.

Angela Clark

Angela Clark is an Academic Integrity Specialist at York University. She has worked as an academic integrity practitioner for more than seven years and is the current Vice-Chair of ICAI Canada (International Center for Academic Integrity). Angela is working towards her PhD in Higher Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) where her research is focused on Canadian institutions’ approaches to academic integrity. 

Josh Seeland

Josh Seeland is the Manager of Library Services at Assiniboine College in Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. He is a founding member of the Manitoba Academic Integrity Network and chairs Assiniboine’s Academic Integrity Advisory Committee. His writing on academic integrity can be found in various journals, the book “Contract Cheating in Higher Education”, and the forthcoming book “Academic integrity and the role of the academic library: institutional examples and promising practices”.

Dr. Ainsley Rouse

Ainsley Rouse is the Associate Director, Academic Integrity at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver where she leads the Academic Integrity Hub in the Provost’s Office. Ainsley did her PhD at Princeton University, her MA at the Université de Montréal, and her Honours BA at the University of Toronto. Ainsley is the Provincial Representative for ICAI Canada for BC and is also involved with the BC Academic Integrity Network (BC-AIN).


Canadian National Consortium. (2024). International Center for Academic Integrity.

Eaton, S. E., & Christensen Hughes, J. (2022). Academic integrity in Canada: Historical perspectives and current trends. In S. E. Eaton & J. Christensen Hughes (Eds.), Academic integrity in Canada: An enduring and essential challenge (p. 3-24). Springer. 1

Eerkes, D. (2010). Student judicial affairs and academic integrity. In D. Hardy Cox & C. C. Strange (Eds.), Achieving student success: Effective student services in Canadian higher education (p. 110-111). McGill-Queen’s University Press.

Fishman, T. (2024). History of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI): Exigence, genesis, and impact. In S. E. Eaton (Ed.), Second Handbook of Academic Integrity. Sprinter International Handbooks of Education.

International Center for Academic Integrity. (n.d.). About the center.

McKenzie, A. (2018). Academic integrity across the Canadian landscape. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 1(2), 40-45.

Vogt, L., & Eaton, S. E. (2022). Make it someone’s job: Documenting the growth of the academic integrity profession through a collection of position postings. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(1), 1-7.




How to Cite

Miron, J., Clark, A., Seeland, J., & Rouse, A. (2024). The International Centre for Academic Integrity Canadian Consortium. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 7(5), 1–3.

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