A student perspective of academic integrity


  • Hafizat Sanni-Anibire University of Manitoba




academic integrity, Canada, higher education


My presentation will be about my perspectives of academic integrity as it is presented at my university, and the challenges I believe it may pose to students. Beginning with my previous experiences as a student outside of Canada, then as a foreign student in Canada, and my current involvement with academic integrity, including the lessons I learnt from a recent academic integrity research project, I will share ways in which I believe post-secondary institutions, faculty and resource staff may improve students’ experiences and understanding of academic integrity as separate and different from misconduct. I will also share suggestions for involving students in the conversation around academic integrity. 





How to Cite

Sanni-Anibire, H. (2021). A student perspective of academic integrity . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 4(1), 137. https://doi.org/10.11575/cpai.v4i1.72847



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