Pens for Hire: Part 3


  • Geoffrey E. Buerger Kiita Learning Community, Barrow, Alaska



academic fraud, Canada, contract cheating, ghost writing, history, term paper mills


This is Part 3 of a three part invited article series examining the historical evolution of the contract cheating industry. Parts 1 and 2 were concerned chiefly with the emergence of the commercial trade in academic work in the United States and the varied responses it elicited in that country. This article discusses Canadian attempts to combat that phenomenon, and focusses on York University’s actions against Custom Essay Service in the late 1980s. Part 3 concludes with a series of questions to encourage reflection and discussion with students or educators and practitioners.


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Termpapers Unlimited of Toronto advertisement. (1973, March 16). The Varsity.

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Undated letter circa 1974 from Fraser Cowley, Chairman, Committee on Purchase of Term Papers, to C. Grant Clarke, Secretary of the Council of Ontario Universities. York University Archives, 1977-013/036, “COU - Term Paper Business, 1972, 1975.” (1974). York University Archives.

University of Toronto Archives. (1972a). M.H. Blackburn (?) to Vice-President Ross dated Jan 11/72, in folder labelled: “Internal Affairs Committee - Discipline Part I.”

University of Toronto Archives. (1972b, February). Council of Ontario Universities, monthly review: A78-0028/037, Office of the President - Educational Associations.

University of Toronto Archives. (1973). Pirate Papers flyer dated June 1973 in UTA “Internal Affairs Committee - Discipline Part II.”

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Walkom, T. (1971, November 17). Stop all plagiarism by killing degrees. The Varsity, 4.

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York University Archives. (1987, November 10). Policy and procedures prohibiting on-campus activity by essay-writing services.




How to Cite

Buerger, G. E. (2023). Pens for Hire: Part 3. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(2), 4–15.



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