Getting off the beaten path: Authentic assessments that enhance teaching, learning and academic integrity


  • Lisa Vogt Red River College
  • Brenda Mercer



Canada, Post-Secondary, Assessment, Academic Integrity, Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Course Design


Getting off the beaten path will introduce participants to a variety of high-impact authentic assessment strategies to open the door for academic integrity to flourish. This session will begin by discussing the importance of aligning learning outcomes with authentic assessments to create space for diverse student experiences and abilities. From there we will explore a variety of hands-on learning approaches such as conferencing, collaboration, and refreshing your assignments to promote student engagement and realistic applications of course content.

Participants in this session will learn how high-impact authentic assessment strategies may be embedded throughout planning, instruction, and assessment cycles. The strategies explored in this workshop will improve your course design by creating opportunities for your students to effectively and authentically demonstrate knowledge and skills. This session will culminate with a short group discussion on how course design with authentic assessment in mind, will naturally achieve much higher levels of academic integrity.

Author Biography

Brenda Mercer

Brenda Mercer is an Educational Developer with the Centre for Learning and Program Excellence at Red River College Polytechnic in Winnipeg. Her educational development work supports the creation of processes to assess recognition of prior learning and promote academic quality. Brenda is a seasoned K-12 teacher, principal, learning coach, and instructor at the post-secondary levels. She has a Doctorate degree in Educational Leadership from Western University, a Master's degree in Leadership and Educational Administration from the University of New Brunswick, and a postgraduate Certificate in Reading and Literacy from Queens University. Current educational interests include the creation, delivery, and measurement of learning outcomes, exploring processes to evaluate recognition of prior learning, and culturally relevant instruction. 


Bretag, T., Curtis, G., McNeill, M. & Slade, C. (2018). Academic integrity in Australian higher education: A national priority. [Infographic].

Conrad, D. & Openo, J., (2018). Assessment Strategies for Online Learning: Engagement and Authenticity. AU Press, Athabasca University.

Eberly Center (2022). Why should assessments, learning objectives, and instructional strategies be aligned? Carnegie Mellon University.

Ellis,C., Haeringen, K.v., Harper, R., Bretag, T., Zucker, I., McBride, S., Rozenberg, P., Newton, P. & Saddiqui, S. (2020). Does authentic assessment assure academic integrity? Evidence from contract cheating data. Higher Education Research & Development, 39:3, 454-469, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1680956

Rawlusyk, P. E. (2018). Assessment in higher education and student learning. Journal of Instructional Pedagogies, 21, 1-34.

Wikhamn, B.R. (2017). Challenges of adopting constructive alignment in action learning education, Action Learning: Research and Practice, 14:1, 18-28, DOI: 10.1080/14767333.2016.1251880




How to Cite

Vogt, L., & Mercer, B. (2022). Getting off the beaten path: Authentic assessments that enhance teaching, learning and academic integrity . Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(1), 32.



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