Is this in my contract?: How part-time contract faculty face barriers to reporting academic integrity breaches




academic integrity, Canada, contract faculty, part-time faculty, contingent academic staff, sessionals, academic misconduct, academic dishonesty, higher education


A holistic approach to academic integrity in higher education requires a concerted and integrated effort of all stakeholders across campus, yet the tiered faculty system of most institutions may be at odds with comprehensive approaches. This paper explores how part-time contract faculty (also known as “sessionals” in Canada) face barriers to reporting student breaches of academic integrity. Drawing on scholarly literature, as well as my experiences as a sessional instructor, I explore this topic. In particular, I note that the time commitment and emotional investment involved in reporting transgressions according to institutional protocol can be especially burdensome for part-time instructors. I conclude with recommendations to better support sessional instructors to foster academic integrity.

Author Biography

Katherine Crossman, University of Calgary

Werklund School of Education


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How to Cite

Crossman, K. (2019). Is this in my contract?: How part-time contract faculty face barriers to reporting academic integrity breaches. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 2(1), 32–39.



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