The Role of Clinical Supervision in Supervisee Burnout: A Call to Action


  • Tiffany Beks University of Calgary
  • Daniele Doucet University of Calgary


Professional burnout is a well-documented issue in professional psychology and has been associated with multiple negative personal, professional, and institutional consequences. Interestingly, burnout in the context of psychologists-in-training has received very little attention. This article defines burnout in the context of professional psychology, outlines the factors leading to burnout, discusses burnout in the context of psychologists-in-training, and examines how clinical supervisors can play a preventative and/or remedial role in supervisee burnout. The article concludes by highlighting the need to integrate education and wellness plans into supervisory relationships and settings.




How to Cite

Beks, T., & Doucet, D. (2020). The Role of Clinical Supervision in Supervisee Burnout: A Call to Action. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 4(2), 36–50. Retrieved from




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