Assessing Students with Exceptional Learning Needs


  • Jenna Bishop University of Calgary: Werklund School of Education


Learning Disability, Autism, Assessment for Learning, Differentiated Instruction


A universal approach to teaching is no longer effective because it will not appropriately and effectively meets the learning needs of students in inclusive classrooms. As a result, teachers and school leaders must learn how to best support students with special needs, and educational leaders will need to provide professional learning opportunities and support to teachers to ensure that appropriate teaching and assessment practices are being utilized to effectively meet the needs of all students. The use of formative assessment is an effective tool for teachers to appropriately differentiate instruction through a Response to Intervention model. Despite potential challenges, leaders can have a positive impact on the success of inclusive assessment practices in their schools. To support all learners, it is essential that teachers create safe learning environments for their students. Also, leaders need to encourage collaboration and ongoing communication between the school and parents. Finally, students need to be involved in the learning process, so it is important that teachers get to know their students from both an academic and personal perspective. This will allow teachers to plan effective and appropriate opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning.

Author Biography

Jenna Bishop, University of Calgary: Werklund School of Education

I am a graduate student at the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. I am studying to earn a Masters in Education with a specialization in Leading for Learning.


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How to Cite

Bishop, J. (2019). Assessing Students with Exceptional Learning Needs. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 3(3), 1–8. Retrieved from




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