Enhancing empathy among medical students via reflective writing


  • Muhammad Jawad Hashim UAE University
  • Moien AB Khan UAE University
  • Alexander Kieu UAE University
  • Fatima Mohammed Khalfan Alkaabi UAE University
  • Fakhra Khalifa Abdulla Al Rubaei UAE University
  • Maitha Musabbeh Khamis Alfazari UAE University
  • Meera Ahmed Khalfan Alneyadi UAE University
  • Rouda Hamad Saeed Alsaedi UAE University
  • Romona Govender UAE University




Implication Statement

Reflection is a skill which has the potential to enhance higher order thinking such as empathy and compassion. We aimed to study reflective writing as a means to nurture empathy among medical students. An interventional study was conducted among 73 final-year medical students using the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered anonymously before and after a clinical clerkship. Reflective writing generated strong emotional responses but did not improve Empathy Questionnaire scores. Reflective writing about patient care experiences may be useful in clinical clerkships to develop certain constructs of empathy such as perspective taking and compassion among medical students, but it may not raise empathy scores in the short term.


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How to Cite

Hashim MJ, Khan MA, Kieu A, Alkaabi FMK, Al Rubaei FKA, Alfazari MMK, et al. Enhancing empathy among medical students via reflective writing. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2024 Mar. 18 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];15(2):91-2. Available from: https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cmej/article/view/77172



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