“R1 Nightmares”: a resident-led on-call medical emergency simulation course for junior residents
Implication Statement
On-call medical emergencies can be a source of anxiety for junior medical residents. Senior resident teachers are well-positioned to teach a safe approach to managing on-call emergencies, and simulation-based training has educational and patient safety advantages. We describe the implementation of a resident-facilitated, on-call emergency simulation course for first-year residents. The course was low-cost, time-efficient, increased residents’ self-rated comfort with acutely deteriorating patients and was highly recommended by participants. The “R1 Nightmares” course could be adapted for other residency programs and institutions.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Erica D McKenzie, Jordan Sugarman, Tyson Savage, Matthew Lee, Hayley Thornton, Timothy Chaplin, Ghazwan Altabbaa

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