Teaching mindfulness-based stress management techniques to medical learners through simulation


  • Stephanie Smith University of Calgary
  • Lauren Griggs University of Calgary
  • Franco Rizutti University of Calgary
  • Joan Horton University of Calgary
  • Allison Brown University of Calgary http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4552-8146
  • Aliya Kassam University of Calgary




Implication Statement

Acutely traumatic clinical events can exacerbate stress and burnout amongst healthcare providers.  The Simulated Training for Resilience in Various Environments (STRIVE) course may provide a useful framework for medical educators to teach stress management skills to promote resilience amongst physician trainees. The course introduces the Big Four+ techniques (goal setting, visualization, self-talk, progressive muscular relaxation, attention control and tactical breathing) created by the Canadian Armed Forces using clinical scenarios. This framework can be easily adapted across other training contexts to equip future clinicians with a foundational skill set to optimize their response and recovery following critically stressful incidents.

Author Biography

Stephanie Smith, University of Calgary

Dr. Stephanie Smith is a Family Medicine resident at the University of Calgary. Before entering medical school, she was employed as a critical care nursing officer in the Canadian Armed Forces for 12 years. She also completed a Master of Arts in Disaster Emergency Management.




How to Cite

Smith S, Griggs L, Rizutti F, Horton J, Brown A, Kassam A. Teaching mindfulness-based stress management techniques to medical learners through simulation. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 26];12(1):e95-e97. Available from: https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/cmej/article/view/69821



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