Finding Employment: The Experiences of Ghanaian Male Immigrants in Canada


  • Benedict Kojo Otoo University of Calgary


Canada continues to attract skilled labour from all over the world. My personal story as an immigrant to Canada drew me to understand and further explore the experiences of Ghanaian men in Canada looking for a job. There has been little evidence supporting the employment of minority men of colour new to Canada and this study attempts to showcase the narrative through the lens of Ghana male immigrants. The men who took part in this study all had a minimum educational qualification of a university degree. The goal of the study was to give voice to Ghanaian males who have immigrated to Canada in the last two or more years and their experiences of seeking and securing employment.  I employed the use of a narrative inquiry methodology to capture the stories and experiences of the participants. I conducted one-on-one semi structured interviews with the participants as a means of data collection. I focused on identifying recurring themes or patterns that appeared often through the interviews. The emerging themes became the building blocks of my research. The findings ranged from hurdles they encountered as immigrants, to the support system that assisted them in settling down in the country, to their quest to find jobs as men and family heads, to how race aided or hindered them in their job search. The findings included hope, optimism, and belief in their new country. The study proposed changes and improvements for immigration reform for skilled immigrants regarding addressing challenges faced by newcomers, recognition of foreign credentials and assisting immigrants find jobs in their area of expertise. In conclusion, the study adds some value and perspectives from immigrant men of colour to assist and immigration policy making by government, immigrant service agencies, employers, and prospective immigrants to Canada.

Author Biography

Benedict Kojo Otoo, University of Calgary

PhD student

Adult Learning 

Werklund School of Education 


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How to Cite

Otoo, B. K. (2020). Finding Employment: The Experiences of Ghanaian Male Immigrants in Canada. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 4(1), 8–12. Retrieved from