A tale of two scholars: Developing transculturally through dialogue and writing



International Doctoral Seminar, Transcultural


Short term international exchanges have been developed worldwide to offer collaborative research and cultural training opportunities for graduate students. However, the ability to develop transcultural competencies in these exchanges is often hampered by time constraints. This inquiry uses a collaborative, multi-sited autoethnographic approach to explore the potential of pursuing a transcultural relationship through the act of writing an academic article for publication post-seminar. Two doctoral scholars, one originally from China, but pursuing a doctorate at the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, and one from the University of Calgary, Canada, use multiple connected sites (face-to-face, WeChat, Google docs, email) to further their transcultural development through professional and personal collaboration. The authors used Slimbach’s (2005) transcultural competencies as a framework to guide this work. Based on insights developed through the process, the authors present recommendations for future international doctoral seminar participants. 

Author Biographies

Sandra Lynn Becker, University of Calgary

PhD Candidate, Learning Sciences, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

Melody Yue Yin, Queensland University of Technology

PhD Candidate, Queensland University of Technology


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How to Cite

Becker, S. L., & Yin, M. Y. (2019). A tale of two scholars: Developing transculturally through dialogue and writing. Emerging Perspectives: Interdisciplinary Graduate Research in Education and Psychology, 3(1), 17–28. Retrieved from https://journalhosting.ucalgary.ca/index.php/ep/article/view/52942

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