Four influential recent Canadian Medical Education Journal articles presented at the International Congress for Medical Education


  • Marcel F D'Eon University of Saskatchewan






Black KA, Drummond L, Jain V, Sagle M. Development of a medical education podcast in obstetrics and gynecology. Can Med Educ J. 2021;12(2):e103-5.

Kirubarajan A. Re: Development of a medical education podcast in obstetrics and gynecology. Can Med Educ J. 2021 Feb. 18.

ElHawary H, Salimi A, Barone N, Alam P, Thibaudeau S. The effect of COVID-19 on medical students' education and wellbeing: a cross-sectional survey. Can Med Educ J. 2021;12(3):92-9.

Thoma B, Karwowska A, Samson L, et al. Emerging concepts in the CanMEDS physician competency framework. Can Med Educ J. 2023;14(1):4-12.

Kuper A. Reflections on addressing antisemitism in a Canadian faculty of medicine. Can Med Educ J. 2023;14(2):158-70.

Ross BM, Taylor K, Button B, Kilbertus F, Cameron E. How early clinical experiences in rural communities influence student learning about rural generalism considered through the lens of educational theory. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Braund H, Dalgarno N, O’Dell R, Taylor DR. Making assessment a team sport: a qualitative study of facilitated group feedback in internal medicine residency. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Zhou G, Thayaparan A, Park S, et al. Understanding the perspective of community co-educators on community-based service learning: a qualitative analysis. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Karkache W, Halman S, Tran C, Nie R, Pugh D. Designing a touchless physical examination for a virtual Objective Structured Clinical Examination. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Jalil R, Nkemdirim M, Roach P, Panaccione R, Ruzycki SM. The association between applicant gender and racial or ethnic identity and success in the admissions process at a Canadian medical school: a prospective cohort study. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Schabort I, Van Gerven PW. Selection of international medical graduates into postgraduate training positions in Canada. Who applies? Who is selected? Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Lively J, Gasim M, Liu Q, Lingard L. How to be a good clerk on the clinical teaching team: a scoping review. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Kliska E, MacLean A, Farrugia P. Scoping review of current challenges and circumstances impacting Indigenous applications to Canadian medical schools. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Baerg K, Anderson T, Thiessen H. Six ways to get a grip on patient and family centered care during the undergraduate medical years. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Zhao M, Shirazi S, Trinder K, et al. A student-led clerkship primer: a near-peer orientation to clerkship. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Preti B, Lakkunarajah S, Sanatani M. The oncology ribbon of reflection: a novel tool to encourage trainee self-reflection. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Mazze N, Mak O, Pavalagantharajah S, Hunter A. An evaluation of a Transition to Foundations curriculum for first year pediatric residents in Competency Based Medical Education. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Hashim MJ, Khan MA, Kieu A, et al. Enhancing empathy among medical students via reflective writing. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Sanya-Isijola F, Leung F-H. ChatGPT: bridging the gap on mentorship for International Medical Graduates in low enrolment specialties. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Desy J, Harvey A, Martin K, Naugler C, Mclaughlin K. Giving partial credit during an multiple choice question assessment reappraisal does not make the assessment process fairer. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Huang RS, Kam A. Humanism in Canadian medicine: from the Rockies to the Atlantic. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Hashemi-Sabet F, Leung F-H. Equity-driven MCAT prep: a ChatGPT advantage. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Wondimagegn D, Cartmill C, Genene L, Rashid MA, Whitehead C. Broadening relevance and representation in global health medical education research: centring context, content, and voice. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Pritchard J, Alavian S, Soogoor A, Bartels S, Hall A. Global health competencies in postgraduate medical education: a scoping review and mapping to the CanMEDS physician competency framework . Can Med Educ J. 2023 Mar. 21;14(1):70-9.

Clarke QK, Taylor K, Abu-Ghazaleh N, Beldick SR. The case for centralization of academic accommodations in undergraduate medical education. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Wiwanitkit S, Wiwanitkit V. Re: “Investigating the experiences of medical students quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure”. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Han S, Kim I, Rojas D, Young JN. Investigating the experiences of medical students quarantined due to COVID-19 exposure. Can Med Educ J. 2023 Dec 30;14(6):92-101. (

Neufeld A. A few suggestions based on “The Choice! The challenges of trying to improve medical students’ satisfaction with their specialty choices.” Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Davis M, Desy J, Kassam A, Mclaughlin K. The Choice! The challenges of trying to improve medical students’ satisfaction with their specialty choices. Can Med Educ J. 2023; 14(5)

Yaghy A. Medicine’s digital revolution. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).

Graziano N. Threads of Life. Can Med Educ J. 2024;15(2).




How to Cite

D’Eon MF. Four influential recent Canadian Medical Education Journal articles presented at the International Congress for Medical Education . Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2024 May 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 28];15(2):1-5. Available from:




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