Medical student stress, burnout, and workplace factors



Author Biography

Marcel F D'Eon, Augusta University

Dr. Marcel D'Eon has been the Director of the Education Innovation Institute at the Medical College of Georgia (MCG), Augusta University since May 27, 2020. There he leads a small group of scholars and educators in research and development activities in medical education. The EII contributes original research, teaching, faculty development, and consultations especially supporting the new curriculum launched in July of 2020. His personal research interests lie in better understanding and responding to the endemic situation of poor medical student mental health, in managing the "filter failure" of medical schools and the resulting overcrowded curriculum, and in creating and implementing approaches to more effective faculty development.


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How to Cite

D’Eon MF, Waller J, Stacey A, Kelly C, Desmarais N, Debenbaum B, et al. Medical student stress, burnout, and workplace factors. Can. Med. Ed. J [Internet]. 2022 Jul. 19 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];13(5):116-7. Available from:




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