Academic Integrity and Student Mental Well-Being: A Rapid Review




academic integrity, academic misconduct, mental well-being, stress, rapid review, higher education, students


Despite concerns arising from academic integrity practitioners, researchers, and stakeholders about the relationship between academic integrity (or violations of academic integrity) and student mental well-being (or distress), there is a lack of literature synthesizing available evidence. Particularly, it is unclear about when student mental well-being may be of concern during procedures that concern breaches of academic integrity. Our rapid review identified and analysed scholarly sources (n = 46) to understand the relationship between academic integrity and mental well-being among postsecondary students. Five themes emerged: a) negativity bias; b) inconsistency of definitions; c) paradigmatic tensions; d) focus on external stressors; and e) focus on mental health prior to a critical incident. We propose several calls to action and implications for practice. There is a need to better understand the impact of an alleged or actual academic integrity violation on students’ mental well-being. Practitioners should integrate supports for students’ mental well-being in processes and procedures that uphold academic integrity.


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How to Cite

Eaton, S. E., Pethrick, H., & Turner, K. L. (2023). Academic Integrity and Student Mental Well-Being: A Rapid Review. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 5(2), 34–58.



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