Reflections on the 2019 Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity




academic integrity, Canada, Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, academic misconduct, academic dishonesty


In this editorial I offer my reflections on the 2019 Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, as a co-chair of the event hosted at the University of Calgary, April 18-19, 2019. I consider the origin of the event and consider key learnings. I conclude with a reflection about the impact of the symposium and where we go from here.

Author Biography

Sarah Elaine Eaton, University of Calgary

Assistant Professor, Werklund School of Education

Research Associate, Language Research Centre

University of Calgary


Blackburn, J. (2019). A question of trust? Educators' views of contract cheating. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada. Retrieved from

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Crook, S. K. D. (2019). A phenomenological exploration of novice writers' lived experiences with plagiarism. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada.

Eaton, S. E., & Edino, R. I. (2018). Strengthening the research agenda of educational integrity in Canada: A review of the research literature and call to action. International Journal of Educational Integrity, 14(1). doi:

Fernández Conde, C., & Rothschuh, S. (2019). Lessons learnt from developing a graduate student academic integrity tutorial( Poster). Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada.

Hersey, C. (2019). “The struggle is real!” #Ineedapaperfast. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada.

Lancaster, T. (2019). Social media enabled contract cheating. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada. Retrieved from

Larijani, L., & Rancourt, D. E. (2019). Plagiarism: The Titanic of academic dishonesty (Poster). Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity Calgary, Canada.

McKenzie, A. M. (2018). Academic integrity across the Canadian landscape. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 1(2), 40-45. doi:

Singleton, P., & Ricksen, M. (2019). Your guide to recognizing various forms of plagiarism and gaining insights from technology. Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada. Retrieved from

Ridgley, A., Miron, J. B., & McKenzie, A. (2019). Building a regional academic integrity network: Profiling the growth and action of the Academic Integrity Council of Ontario. Workshop presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada. Retrieved from

Thacker, E., Eaton, S. E., Stoesz, B., & Miron, J. B. (2019). A deep dive into Canadian college policy: Findings from a provincial academic integrity and contract cheating policy analysis (updated). Paper presented at the Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity, Calgary, Canada.



How to Cite

Eaton, S. E. (2019). Reflections on the 2019 Canadian Symposium on Academic Integrity. Canadian Perspectives on Academic Integrity, 2(2), 1–6.