Mastery-Based Testing in Linear Algebra: An Entry Point to Alternative Grading




mastery learning, alternative grading, feedback loops, test anxiety, linear algebra


An increasing number of university faculty have become interested in alternative grading systems in recent years. While there is a growing body of research on such grading systems, implementation can be a challenge for instructors. Mastery-based testing is a grading system in which students learn from feedback and have multiple attempts to demonstrate proficiency in a written exam setting without penalty. Student exam scores are determined by the number of course learning outcomes successfully completed by the end of the course. Given that all other aspects of the course are left in place, this model can serve as a relatively simple entry point into alternative grading. We implemented mastery-based testing in three sections of a 16-week high-enrollment university linear algebra course and gathered data on student perceptions of and performance in this revised course. In this paper, we report on students’ descriptions of the benefits and drawbacks of this system, their beliefs about final grades in this course compared to other courses, and their self-reported study habits.

Author Biographies

Rebecca Swanson, Colorado School of Mines

Rebecca Swanson (USA) is a university distinguished teaching professor at the Colorado School of Mines where she teaches a variety of courses, implements flipped learning and alternative grading, and enjoys discussing student learning and participating in SoTL projects.

Aram Bingham, IIT-Bombay

Aram Bingham (USA) is a mathematician and educator who was a teaching postdoctoral fellow at Colorado School of Mines from 2022–2024. Starting in 2025, he will be a postdoctoral fellow at the Universidad de Chile.

Megan Sanders, Colorado School of Mines

Megan Sanders (USA) (she/her) is the director of the Trefny Innovative Instruction Center at Colorado School of Mines and earned a PhD in educational psychology from the Ohio State University.

Carter Moulton, Colorado School of Mines

Carter Moulton (USA) (he/him) is a faculty developer at the Trefny Center at Colorado School of Mines. Carter holds a PhD from Northwestern University and previously served as a consultant and fellow at Northwestern’s Searle Center for Advancing Learning & Teaching. 


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A graphic title "Looking for an entry point into alternative grading?"




How to Cite

Swanson, Rebecca, Aram Bingham, Megan Sanders, and Carter Moulton. 2025. “Mastery-Based Testing in Linear Algebra: An Entry Point to Alternative Grading”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 13 (February):1–20.