The Roles of Supervisor Care and Trust and Sense of Belonging in Promoting Internship Satisfaction




internships, sense of belonging, supervisor trust, first-generation, work-integrated learning


This study examines how relational aspects of the internship experience, namely students’ perceptions of a supervisor’s care and trust and students’ sense of belonging, factor into students’ satisfaction with their internship experience. We found that relational aspects impacted internship satisfaction. Although students’ perceptions of a supervisor’s care and trust were not a significant predictor of satisfaction, their sense of belonging was significant. Further analysis pointed to opportunities to use career related skills and gain confidence to pursue future job opportunities as significant in building students’ sense of belonging.

Author Biographies

Melinda K. Adams, University of the Incarnate Word

Melinda K. Adams (USA) is professor of fashion management and program coordinator of the Fashion Management Program at University of the Incarnate Word. Her work focuses on tenure and promotion processes and definitions related to creative scholarship.

Jody E. Jessup-Anger, Marquette University

Jody E. Jessup-Anger (USA) is professor of higher education and chair of the Department of Educational Policy and Leadership at Marquette University. Her work focuses on discerning how the collegiate environment affects learning and development.


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A teacher and two students look at lab equipment and are dressed in personal protective equipment.




How to Cite

Adams, Melinda K., and Jody E. Jessup-Anger. 2025. “The Roles of Supervisor Care and Trust and Sense of Belonging in Promoting Internship Satisfaction”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 13 (January):1–13.



Special Section: Trust