Faculty Empowering Faculty

SoTL Leaders Catalyzing Institutional and Cultural Change


  • Dayna Henry James Madison University https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5890-1878
  • Edward James Brantmeier James Madison University
  • Anthony Tongen James Madison University
  • Ashley Taylor Jaffee Princeton University
  • Olga Pierrakos Wake Forest University




faculty development, case study, change catalysts


Faculty are increasingly interested in engaging in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) across disciplines, necessitating educational development support. While many institutions utilize one-time workshops and faculty communities offering professional development funding, the case study presented in this article takes a different approach. The aim of the Engaged Teacher-Scholar (ETS) program is to support faculty growth in a process of becoming ETS leaders across the university campus. ETS leaders advance an individual SoTL research project and are trained to develop a plan for and offer professional development events to their department, college, and university related to SoTL. The article presents an overview of the program’s objectives, organization, and outcomes over four years of implementation. The article concludes with implications for implementation at other institutions.

Author Biographies

Dayna Henry, James Madison University

Dayna S. Henry is a faculty associate at James Madison University’s Center for Faculty Innovation. She is also a faculty member in the Department of Health Sciences (USA).

Edward James Brantmeier, James Madison University

Edward J. Brantmeier is a professor in the Learning, Technology, and Leadership Education Department and assistant director of scholarship area programs in the Center for Faculty Innovation at James Madison University (USA).

Anthony Tongen, James Madison University

Anthony Tongen is vice provost for research and scholarship and professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at James Madison University (USA).

Ashley Taylor Jaffee, Princeton University

Ashley Taylor Jaffee is the assistant director of social studies in the Program in Teacher Preparation at Princeton University (USA).

Olga Pierrakos, Wake Forest University

Olga Pierrakos is founding chair and professor of the Department of Engineering at Wake Forest University. She championed the conception of the James Madison University Engaged Teacher Scholars Program (USA).


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How to Cite

Henry, Dayna, Edward James Brantmeier, Anthony Tongen, Ashley Taylor Jaffee, and Olga Pierrakos. 2021. “Faculty Empowering Faculty: SoTL Leaders Catalyzing Institutional and Cultural Change”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 9 (2). https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.9.2.15.