Authentic Learning Across Disciplines and Borders with Scholarly Digital Storytelling
authentic learning, technology-enhanced assessment, scholarly digital storytelling, digital skillsAbstract
Scholarly digital storytelling combines academic research and digital skills to communicate scholarly work within and beyond the classroom. This article presents three case studies that demonstrate efforts to integrate scholarly digital storytelling, a technology-enhanced assessment, across disciplines, geographic locations, and teaching contexts. The case studies originate in the United States, Northern Ireland [UK], and Norway, and represent learning across multiple disciplines, including history, higher education, geography, and biology. This article explores the potential for scholarly digital storytelling, when carefully planned, scaffolded, and implemented, to engage students in authentic learning, teaching students to think deeply and creatively about disciplinary content while creating sharable digital products.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Kelly Schrum, Niall Majury, Anne Laure Simonelli

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