Beyond Decoding the Disciplines 1.0
New Directions for the Paradigm
Decoding the Disciplines, troublesome knowledge, student learning, bottlenecks in learningAbstract
Decoding the Disciplines has emerged as one of the foremost approaches to the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL) and is being used to increase learning across the globe. But it is often not recognized that the paradigm has undergone enormous changes since its appearance in 2004. The original model has been clarified and perfected, but scholars of teaching and learning have also expanded the scope of this work to include emotional, bodily, and social learning; created new roles for students in these investigations; and explored learning beyond the individual. Some of these changes have been so far reaching that they may be said to constitute a new version of the paradigm, Decoding 2.0. It is the purpose of this article to provide an overview of this paradigm’s development since it first appeared on the SoTL stage.
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