Developing Metacognitive Instructors through a Guided Journal


  • Lauren Scharff U. S. Air Force Academy
  • John Draeger SUNY Buffalo State
  • Sarah Robinson U. S. Air Force Academy
  • Leli Pedro University of Colorado - Denver
  • Charity Peak Association of College and University Educators



metacognition, metacognitive instruction, metacognitive teaching, faculty development


Metacognitive instructors incorporate awareness and timely self-regulation in their teaching practice to support their current students’ learning. This exploratory study, using mixed methods, gathered empirical data to extend the work on student metacognition by documenting teacher experiences with metacognitive instruction, the impact of instructor use of a guided journal on the development of metacognitive instruction practices, and students’ perceptions of instructor responsiveness to their learning and engagement. Journal Intervention (N = 40) and Control (N = 33) instructors from five institutions and their students (N = 796) responded to multiple questionnaires throughout a semester. Data revealed significantly more baseline familiarity with and engagement in reflective teaching than metacognitive instruction for both groups. Within the Intervention group, qualitative data consistently suggested a positive impact from engagement with the journal, especially with respect to an increased focus on learning objectives and student engagement (rather than on content coverage) in pre-lesson planning, and on being aware of how students were achieving the learning objectives. Significant positive correlations were found between instructor use of the journal and student ratings of instructor responsiveness to their learning and engagement, and instructor use of effective instructional practices. Although instructors were enthusiastic overall about using the journal and incorporating metacognitive instruction, they did report barriers including time, existing habits, and uncertainty about alternate instructional practices. Based on our findings, we share strategies for using our journal prompts as a tool to facilitate faculty development of metacognitive instruction.

Author Biographies

Lauren Scharff, U. S. Air Force Academy

Lauren Scharff is the director of scholarship of teaching and learning and a professor of behavioral sciences at the U. S. Air Force Academy (USA).

John Draeger, SUNY Buffalo State

John Draeger is the director of the teaching and learning center and a professor of philosophy at SUNY Buffalo State (USA).

Sarah Robinson, U. S. Air Force Academy

Sarah Robinson is an associate professor of geosciences at the U. S. Air Force Academy (USA).

Leli Pedro, University of Colorado - Denver

Leli Pedro is an emeritus professor of nursing for the University of Colorado – Denver (USA).

Charity Peak, Association of College and University Educators

Charity Peak is the regional director of academic programs, Association of College and University Educators (USA).


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How to Cite

Scharff, Lauren, John Draeger, Sarah Robinson, Leli Pedro, and Charity Peak. 2021. “Developing Metacognitive Instructors through a Guided Journal”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 9 (2).