A new self-assessment teaching assistant survey for growth and development


  • Keith Mewis University of British Columbia
  • Jaclyn Dee University of British Columbia
  • Vivienne Lam University of British Columbia
  • Shannon Obradovich University of British Columbia
  • Alice Cassidy In View Educational Development




teaching assistant training, survey, self-assessment, reflective practice, mentorship


During their time as Teaching Assistants (TAs), graduate students develop a variety of skills, knowledge, and attitudes, based on teaching and related facilitation experiences. As TAs move on to future opportunities, their prior experiences form a foundation upon which additional teaching experience builds. Presently, there are few tools to gauge pedagogical growth during graduate student involvement as TAs in a specific post-secondary course, or as a consequence of their participation in a specialized TA training or teaching program.  We created a model for TA development in SCIE 113 (First-year Seminar in Science) at the University of British Columbia. Based on this model, we designed a new survey for TAs to self-assess skills, knowledge and attitudes that they bring with them from prior experience, and those that they develop or further during their time as a TA in SCIE113. We administered the survey to 18 current and past SCIE 113 TAs as of December 2015, representing the complete population of TAs. The results showed that SCIE 113 TAs with similar levels of experience shared similar skills, knowledge, and attitudes as assessed by this survey. Those TAs with the most experience had greater abilities in roles previously identified as unique to the course. Others working with graduate students can use or adapt the survey questions to investigate and stimulate the growth of TAs in their course or program.

Author Biographies

Keith Mewis, University of British Columbia

Dr. Keith Mewis is a graduate from the Genome Sciences and Technology Program at UBC, and has TAed SCIE 113 five times. He has also developed and taught his own Biochemistry course.

Jaclyn Dee, University of British Columbia

Dr. Jaclyn Dee, holds a Ph.D in Botany from UBC, and has TAed SCIE 113 four times.  Jaclyn has taught in a variety of contexts and settings across diverse communities.

Vivienne Lam, University of British Columbia

Dr. Vivienne Lam, a session lecturer in Botany at UBC, TAed SCIE 113 six times. She has also taught several undergraduate cellular biology courses.

Shannon Obradovich, University of British Columbia

Dr. Shannon Obradovich, is a graduate from the Institute for Oceans and Fisheries. She TAed SCIE 113 three times, and is currently a biologist with Fisheries and Oceans Canada.

Alice Cassidy, In View Educational Development

Dr. Alice Cassidy, inaugural SCIE 113 Course Coordinator at UBC, also hired the TAs. She designed a related course, taught Zoology and Education and is an educational development consultant.


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How to Cite

Mewis, Keith, Jaclyn Dee, Vivienne Lam, Shannon Obradovich, and Alice Cassidy. 2018. “A New Self-Assessment Teaching Assistant Survey for Growth and Development”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 6 (1):79-90. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.6.1.8.