Influence of co-teaching on undergraduate student learning: A mixed-methods study in nursing


  • Jennifer Lock University of Calgary
  • Jacqueline Rainsbury University of Calgary
  • Tracey Clancy University of Calgary
  • Patricia Rosenau University of Calgary
  • Carla Ferreira University of Calgary



Co-teaching, Collaborative Teams, Experiential Learning, Nursing, higher education


Co-teaching has been explored in the field of education but is a relatively new phenomenon in higher education. Its benefits and challenges are well documented; however, what is lacking is substantive evidence highlighting the influence of co-teaching amongst undergraduate students. Particularly, in practice-based professions like teaching, nursing, and social work, active participation in collaborative teams is more the norm than the exception. Undergraduate students need to have opportunities to learn how to be collaborative, as well as observe modeling of collaborative teaching practice. In the article, we report on a 2-year mixed-methods research study that investigated students’ and instructors’ experiences with co-teaching in a Nurse as Educator course. The findings from three cohorts engaged in the research suggest co-teaching to be an effective teaching and learning strategy. However, for co-teaching to be a positive experience for both students and instructors, purposeful scaffolding and supports need to be in place. Also outlined are recommendations for higher education with regard to designing and modeling co-teaching practice.

Author Biographies

Jennifer Lock, University of Calgary

Jennifer Lock is a Professor and the Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary. Her research is in online learning, ICT integration, change and innovation, and educational development in higher education.

Jacqueline Rainsbury, University of Calgary

Jacqueline Rainsbury is a research consultant and evaluator with international experience in health services research, evidence-based medicine, and public health.

Tracey Clancy, University of Calgary

Tracey Clancy is a Senior Instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Her Master’s research focused on the phenomenon of uncertainty as an embodied space of transformation for defining clinical teaching practice.

Patricia Rosenau, University of Calgary

Patricia Rosenau is a retired Senior Instructor and past Associated Dean of Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Pat’s research is focused on reflective practice and peer mentorship in nursing education.

Carla Ferreira, University of Calgary

Carla Ferreira is a tenure-track Instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Carla holds a Master of Nursing degree with a focus on nursing education. Currently, she teaches within the undergraduate nursing program and is a faculty member in the Clinical Simulation Learning Centre.


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How to Cite

Lock, Jennifer, Jacqueline Rainsbury, Tracey Clancy, Patricia Rosenau, and Carla Ferreira. 2018. “Influence of Co-Teaching on Undergraduate Student Learning: A Mixed-Methods Study in Nursing”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 6 (1):38-51.