Students as co-inquirers in Australian higher education: Opportunities and challenges


  • Amani Bell University of Sydney



Students as Partners, Students as Change Agents, Student Researchers, Innovative Pedagogies


While the model of students and staff working in partnership to enhance university education is well-established internationally, it is still an emerging field in Australia where most of such initiatives involve only small numbers of students. This paper examines the opportunities and challenges for students-as-co-inquirers initiatives in Australia. Drawing on a review of the literature, a consideration of theory, and discussions with colleagues, I propose ways in which students as co-inquirers practice and research might move forward, both in Australia and globally.

Author Biography

Amani Bell, University of Sydney

Amani Bell is a Senior Lecturer in the Educational Innovation team at the University of Sydney. Amani’s research focuses on building the teaching capacity of academics and on students as co-inquirers.


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How to Cite

Bell, Amani. 2016. “Students As Co-Inquirers in Australian Higher Education: Opportunities and Challenges”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 4 (2):81-90.



Articles: Students as Co-Inquirers (Special Section)