Teaching and Learning SoTL: Preparing future faculty in a pedagogy course


  • Janet G. Auten American University
  • Margaret M. Twigg American University




graduate students, SoTL, TA training, teacher education, pedagogy education, faculty development


The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) offers a way of equipping graduate students for monitoring, assessing, and reflecting on their teaching and their students’ learning in higher education. After reviewing recent literature about the ways graduate students prepare for teaching, this essay presents an example of one way SoTL can inform teaching and teacher education as part of a graduate seminar. When a SoTL approach was integrated into a course about teaching in higher education, the course itself became a faculty-graduate student collaborative project. This essay demonstrates the potent circularity of the reflective teaching practice that drives the course and inspires similar practice in its students, which in turn informs subsequent iterations of the course.

Author Biographies

Janet G. Auten, American University

Janet G. Auten directs the Writing Center and teaches a graduate pedagogy seminar in the Depart­ment of Literature at American University in Washington, D.C. (USA).

Margaret M. Twigg, American University

Margaret M. Twigg is an instructor in the College Writing Program at American University in Wash­ington, D.C. (USA).


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How to Cite

Auten, Janet G., and Margaret M. Twigg. 2015. “Teaching and Learning SoTL: Preparing Future Faculty in a Pedagogy Course”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 3 (1):3-13. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.3.1.3.