Weaving SoTL into our everyday lives


  • Gary Poole Co-Editor, *Teaching & Learning Inquiry*
  • Nancy Chck Co-Editor, *Teaching & Learning Inquiry*




An introduction to volume 3, issue 1 of Teaching & Learning Inquiry.

Author Biographies

Gary Poole, Co-Editor, *Teaching & Learning Inquiry*

Gary Poole is the Associate Director of the School of Population and Public Health and a Senior Scholar in the Centre for Health Education Scholarship at the University of British Columbia.

Nancy Chck, Co-Editor, *Teaching & Learning Inquiry*

Nancy Chick was Assistant Director of the Center for Teaching and an affi liated faculty member in the English Department at Vanderbilt University. She is now University Chair in Teaching and Learn­ing, Academic Director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, and Professor of English at the University of Calgary.


Bernstein, D. (2013). How SoTL- active faculty members can be cosmopolitan assets to an institution. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1(1). 35- 40.

Williams, A. L., Verwoord, R., Beery, T. A., Dalton, H., McKinnon, K., Strickland, K., Pace, J., and Poole, G. (2013). The Power of social networks: A model for weaving the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning into institutional culture. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 1(2). 49- 62.




How to Cite

Poole, Gary, and Nancy Chck. 2015. “Weaving SoTL into Our Everyday Lives”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 3 (1):1-2. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.3.1.1.