Flipped learning, flipped satisfaction, getting the balance right
flipped learning, perceptions, learning outcomes, engagement, satisfaction, blended learningAbstract
This paper explores students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes, engagement, and satisfaction with a technology-facilitated flipped approach in a third-year core subject at an Australian university during 2014. In this pilot study, findings reveal that students preferred the flipped approach to the traditional face-to-face delivery and reported increased engagement, satisfaction, and learning outcomes as a result of both the flipped classroom approach and the use of digital technologies in the delivery of the unit. However, students did report frustration and less satisfaction generally with the flipped model in the initial stages of the semester. The implications are that students may require extra support in the initial stages of delivery of a flipped class to assist them to understand and take up the challenge of the
approach, thereby maximising student engagement and satisfaction earlier in the semester.
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