Supporting Design Thinking Through a Game-Based Pedagogy in Entrepreneurship Education


  • Wilian Gatti Junior University of Calgary
  • Emily Marasco University of Calgary
  • Beaumie Kim University of Calgary
  • Laleh Behjat University of Calgary



Design thinking is an important concept presented in entrepreneurship education. However, the cognitive aspect of design thinking has been neglected by business teaching and learning practices. The aim of this paper is to present a game-based pedagogy to support the cognitive aspect of design thinking and to promote this approach as an alternative to predictive and adaptive pedagogies that are still dominant in entrepreneurial learning. To disseminate our pedagogical approach, we designed and presented experiential learning activities in a workshop format. In this workshop, the participants took part in ludic tasks such as gameplay and board game design to enhance their comprehension about entrepreneurship through design thinking.

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Wilian Gatti Junior, University of Calgary

PhD Candidate

Learning Sciences

Werklund School of Education

Emily Marasco, University of Calgary

Program Evaluation and Planning Specialist

Dean’s Office

Schulich School of Engineering

Beaumie Kim, University of Calgary

Associate Professor

Learning Sciences

Werklund School of Education

Laleh Behjat, University of Calgary

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Schulich School of Engineering






Design Thinking and Experiential Learning