Capturing Experiential Learning in a Program by Curriculum Mapping


  • Patricia Dyjur University of Calgary
  • Rachel Braun
  • Kevin Saito
  • Erin Kaipanen



Like many higher education institutions, amplifying experiential learning (EL) is a priority for the University of Calgary. In order to capture the extent and complexity of EL that exists in an institution, it is crucial to have a common understanding of the concept. In 2018, the University of Calgary created the EL Working Group, tasked with creating a definition of EL and framework unique to our institutional context. One way to capture EL across a program of study is through curriculum mapping. By identifying where EL already exists, a group can determine current strengths as well as how to improve EL offerings in future. In the example provided in our paper, we show the results of one such mapping process and provide recommendations for others considering using this process for capturing EL across a program of study.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Patricia Dyjur, University of Calgary

Curriculum Development Consultant for the University of Calgary






Curriculum Development and Mapping: Experiential Learning Considerations