Something to Say: Writing for Publication


  • Sandra Hirst Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary
  • Cheryl Jeffs University of Calgary
  • Britney Paris University of Calgary
  • Mayi Arcellana-Panlilio
  • Anne Charles Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
  • Laurie Hill St. Mary's University
  • Brianna Hilman


Mots-clés :

writing, publication, manuscript


Publication, if successful, is exhilarating! Aspiring academic scholars recognize the contribution that peer-reviewed publications make to their careers. It identifies their engagement with their discipline. For students, the benefits of publishing a paper include bolstering their levels of confidence and knowledge and demonstrating to them how they can contribute to their chosen profession. However, inexperience can cause trepidations of the unknown or negative emotions when the writing and publication process goes amiss (Devitt, Coad, & Hardicre, 2007; Rew, 2012). Described in this paper is the background, structure, and limitations of a writing workshop the authors initiated during a recent conference. The purpose of the workshop was to aid both academic colleagues and students in publishing articles in peer-reviewed journals. Participants shared their experiences of writing and identified challenges with the writing for publication process. Finally, strategies that could help participants successfully meet their publications goals were identified

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Sandra Hirst, Faculty of Nursing, University of Calgary

Dr Sandra Hirst is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of Calgary. Sandra is widely known in the field of gerontology as an educator, clinician, and researcher. She has been a consultant for HRSDC, Health Canada, and Alberta Justice. Her research interests are wide-ranging: including gerontological education, long-term care, person-centred dementia care, and disaster and emergency preparedness. Sandra’s current areas of research and related scholarship focus on healthy aging, related challenges to quality of life, and the experiences of older adults. She has received three teaching awards, including one from the Government of Alberta. She is a reviewer for a number of peer -reviewed publications. In 2015, her latest book Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults was published by Wolters Kluwer. 


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Conference Theme: Students as Creators