Impact de la culture sur l’évolution des perceptions des enseignants immigrants


  • Dorothée Michaud Université de Sherbrooke
  • france Beauregard Université de Sherbrooke


Immigrant teachers now represent 7.99% of Canadian teachers. However, very few studies are interested in the impact of their culture on their role as "cultural brokers". This exploratory research examines the issue of changing perceptions of immigrant teachers during their teaching practice in Quebec. As part of this qualitative and interpretive research, five immigrant high school teachers from Cameroon, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Algeria and Uruguay shared their experience in the education system of Quebec (SEQ). The analysis of their life stories was carried out through the identification of units of meaning, which were organized in order to identify the indicators that describe the phenomenon studied. The results show that immigrant teachers experience a professional culture shock caused by the shift in perceptions of what a teacher and a student are between their home country and Quebec. Teachers who have effectively overcome this gap have begun to develop a tertiary culture that allows the evolution of their perceptions. Finally, to promote the adaptation of immigrant teachers to the SEQ, awareness of professional culture shock, observation internships and twinning with experienced immigrant teachers should be considered.

Author Biography

france Beauregard, Université de Sherbrooke

Sujets de recherche

Communications verbale, gestuelle, Contextes familiaux.

Disciplines de recherche

Andragogie, Psychopédagogie.


Enfants avec des trouble de communication, Facteurs qui influent sur les pratiques, Intégration scolaire et inclusion sociale, Relation famille-école communauté.

Intérêts de recherche

Représentations sociales de parents et d’intervenants de leurs rôles et des pratiques qu’ils mettent en place pour jouer ces rôles. Aussi, les facteurs qui influent sur ces représentations sociales et les savoirs formels et informels développés lors des pratiques.

Centre de recherche

Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation du Montréal métropolitain

Langues parlées et écrites

Anglais, Français





Research Study/Recherche