Hamm, L. (2021). Turbulence: Leaders, Educators, and Students Responding to Rapid Change


  • Rachael Kalaba University of Toronto


The book is about how school leaders and educators confront complexity daily in their service. Collective leadership approaches are discussed to counter the chaos, and calls on multiple stakeholders within and outside schools are critical in preparing students for a highly diverse world. The book talks about how social darkness and isolation must be eradicated and calls for an education that provides more opportunities for peace and hope must become the core of the school vision. The author calls for Communities and schools to work together now more than ever.


Dei, G. J., & Adhami, A. (2021). Coming to Know and Knowing Differently: Implications of Educational Leadership. Educational Administration Quarterly, 58(5), 780-809.

Hamm, L. (2020). Turbulence: Leaders, Educators, and Students Responding to Rapid Change. Rowman & Littlefield.

Lopez, A. E. (2020). Decolonizing educational leadership: Exploring alternative approaches to leading schools. Palgrave Macmillan.

Nagawa, R., Datzberger, S., Bhatia, A., Parkes, J., & Devries , K. (2022, September 13). Uganda closed schools for two years – the impact is profound and uneven. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/uganda-closed-schools-for-two-years-the-impact-is-deep-and-uneven-176726.






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