About the Journal

The Canadian Journal for Educational Administration and Policy (CJEAP) was founded in 1995 at the University of Manitoba and merged with the Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations in 2016. The Canadian Journal for Educational Administration and Policy (CJEAP) is devoted to scholarly and critical works in the field of educational administration. The journal is currently hosted in the Department of Educational Administration at the University of Saskatchewan. It is the official journal of the Canadian Association for the Study of Educational Administration (CASEA).

CJEAP does not charge article processing fees for publication, and authors should only submit through this site. CJEAP does not use third party intermediaries to solicit submissions or to communicate with authors. 

Current Issue

No. 205 (2025): Numéro thématique: Les systèmes éducatifs canadiens et européens mis sous tension : entre inclusion et « nouvelles » politiques d’éducation centrées sur l’efficacité, quelles incidences sur l’institution scolaire des différents pays et sur le travail des agents scolaires?”
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