[Book Review] Hope Circuits: Rewiring Universities and Other Organizations for Human Flourishing by Jessica Riddell





hope, transformation, agency


Book review of Hope Circuits: Rewiring Universities and Other Organizations for Human Flourishing by Jessica Riddell.

Author Biography

Earle Abrahamson, University of Hertfordshire

Earle Abrahamson is a professor of the scholarship of teaching and learning at the University of Hertfordshire.


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A collage of images showing a graduation cap on top of textbooks, broken wires, and text reading "Hope Circuits" with a network of lines in the backgorund.




How to Cite

Abrahamson, Earle. 2024. “[Book Review] Hope Circuits: Rewiring Universities and Other Organizations for Human Flourishing by Jessica Riddell”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 12 (December):1–3. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.12.33.



Teaching & Learning Inquiry Reviews