Critical Thinking in the Humanities: An Exploration of Student Perspectives
critical thinking, humanities, student perspectives, higher educationAbstract
This study explores the perception of critical thinking (CT) among students in undergraduate humanities programs. It uncovers a strong alignment between the learning objectives of CT within the curriculum and students’ perceptions. Students not only recognize CT but also underscore its importance, affirming their perceived improvement in critical thinking skills throughout their academic pursuits. However, this preliminary study also shows that there are reasons to suppose that there is a disparity between how students experience critical thinking in their academic environment and how they value, define, and experience its importance in relation to their personal values. They seem to advocate for a conception of CT that stands for a disposition of criticality, extending beyond the confines of skill acquisition. These findings provide an important indication that there are strong signs of a significant disparity between the learning objectives students wish to achieve and how these objectives are currently being delivered. The proposed shift in focus from skill acquisition to nurturing moral and critical engagement with the world brings up new inquiries that require further exploration. These insights contribute to the ongoing discourse on the role and implementation of CT in humanities education, offering a fresh perspective on the multifaceted nature of CT and its implications for higher education.
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