Exploring University Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge of the Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy





culturally responsive pedagogy, teaching assistants, undergraduate students


This qualitative case study examined 11 teaching assistants’ (TAs) awareness of the need to infuse culturally responsive pedagogy into undergraduate level courses. The TAs represented the fields of political science, history, English, psychology, world languages, and kinesiology at one public university. One-on-one interviews were conducted, audio-recorded, transcribed, and analyzed utilizing six phase thematic analysis. Interactive analysis and coding provided a system to examine the data, generate initial codes, and subsequently review, define, and report on the themes that emerged. Results suggest the TAs interviewed had not been adequately prepared to infuse culturally responsive pedagogy (CRP) with instruction.

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Author Biographies

Ximena D. Burgin, Northern Illinois University

Ximena D. Burgin (USA) is an assistant professor at Northern Illinois University, researching culturally responsive classrooms. She develops and evaluates K–12 and adult education programs, exploring how diverse interventions impact academic achievement through various methodological approaches.

Mayra C. Daniel, Northern Illinois University

Mayra C. Daniel (USA) is a professor at Northern Illinois University, originally from Cuba. Her work focuses on supporting linguistically diverse students, with a commitment to social justice and the importance of teachers in fostering academic and emotional growth.

Sheila S. Coli, Northern Illinois University

Sheila S. Coli (USA) is an experienced EFL teacher from Uruguay and an EdD candidate at Northern Illinois University. Her research focuses on social-emotional learning and teacher development, particularly in implementing SEL in the classroom.

Leslie Matuszewich, Northern Illinois University

Leslie Matuszewich (USA) is an associate professor of psychology and senior associate dean at Northern Illinois University. Her research examines the impact of stress on motivation and learning, and she has coordinated graduate training on inclusive teaching practices.


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How to Cite

Burgin, Ximena D., Mayra C. Daniel, Sheila S. Coli, and Leslie Matuszewich. 2024. “Exploring University Teaching Assistants’ Knowledge of the Power of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 12 (September):1–18. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.12.27.