[Book Review] Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd


  • David X. Lemmons George Mason University




book history, history of the book


Book review of Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd. 

Author Biography

David X. Lemmons, George Mason University

David X. Lemmons (they/he) is the instruction coordinator for George Mason University Libraries and a PhD student in Higher Education at George Mason. Their research interests include SoTL’s application in library instruction, critical and anti-racist information literacy, and the role of librarians in universities. They have an MS in Library Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and an MA in Political Science from Appalachian State University.


Barta, Caroline B. 2023. “Rhetoric of the iPhone: A Twenty-First-Century Writing Course.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 292–99. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Benedict, Nora C. 2023. “Gesso, Amatl, and Glyphs: Using Mesoamerican Codices to Teach About the Material Complexities of (Digital) Humanities Projects.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 267–73. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Estill, Laura. 2023. “What Is the Value of a Text?: Harry Potter, G. Thomas Tanselle, and Alibris.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 207–14. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Fagan, Allison. 2023. “‘Race and Publishing in the United States’: An Advanced Undergraduate Seminar.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 129–37. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Fielder, Brigitte, and Jonathan Senchyne. 2023. “Teaching Black Book History: Beginning Outside the Book.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 44–53. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Hamill, Thomas A. 2023. “(Un)Making Texts/(Re)Making Books: Editing in the Undergraduate Classroom.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 274–83. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Hand, Molly. 2023. “Teaching the History of Illustrated Texts: Broadside Ballads as Early Modern Memes.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 110–19. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Horrocks, Jamie. 2023. “Old Books and New Scholars: Undergraduate Mentored Research in the Book History Classroom.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 138–46. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Howsam, Leslie. 2023. “When and Where Did We Start Teaching Book History?” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 17–26. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Maruca, Lisa. 2023. “Mediating the Student Body: Labor, Literacy, and Experiential Learning in the Book History Classroom.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 88–99. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Mueller, Alex, and Cheryl Nixon. 2023. “The Uninhibited Archive: Teaching Book History through Public Exhibition.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 166–75. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Nesta, Frederick. 2023. “The Book in the World: Teaching a Global History of the Book.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 54–62. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Newman, Jennifer, and Julie Van Peteghem. 2023. “‘Who Made This Book?’: Teaching Information Literacy through Book History.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 197–206. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Ozment, Kate. 2023. “Teaching a Feminist Book History.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 36–43. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Vitale, Kyle Sebastian. 2023. “The Virtual Printing House: Exploring Early Modern Book Construction with DIY First Folio.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 337–43. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

Woo, Jewon. 2023. “Toni Morrison’s Lorain: Community-Based Learning About the History of the Black Book.” In Teaching the History of the Book, edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd, 310–20. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press.

A photo of the textbook cover with red background and "Teaching the History of the Book" in white text.




How to Cite

Lemmons, David. 2023. “[Book Review] Teaching the History of the Book, Edited by Matteo Pangallo and Emily B. Todd”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 11 (December). https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.11.33.



Teaching & Learning Inquiry Reviews