Challenges of Shaping Student Study Strategies for Success: Replication and Extension
successive relearning, study methods, students as partners, retrieval practice, spaced practiceAbstract
We replicated and extended Maurer and Shipp’s (2021) intervention to teach students the successive relearning study strategy and encourage its use in preparation for course exams. This mixed-methods project was conducted in partnership between the faculty member teaching the course and an undergraduate student enrolled in the course. Results were similar to those reported by Maurer and Shipp (2021) but differed in meaningful ways. In this investigation, students reported more spaced practice in studying for the exam, demonstrated both greater confidence and greater mastery of the targeted course concept and closer alignment of confidence and mastery. They also reported greater unprompted metacognitive awareness of their own need to learn better study strategies. Qualitative responses from students aligned with the recommendation from SoTL literature that interventions to teach students to adopt more effective study methods need to both provide information and research evidence about more effective methods to students. The responses also aligned with the recommendation from SoTL literature to scaffold students through how to use the methods with opportunities to practice them. Time management issues emerged as the largest student-identified barrier to adopting successive relearning.
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