The People Behind the Publications: Reflections on a Decade of Reviews




review, reflection, developmental feedback


This article reflects on my personal experience as a TLI reviewer. It draws upon a decade of learning with and from colleagues, and connects the lessons learned from being both a reviewer and producer of SoTL output. I signpost the challenges and opportunities that belie the role of a TLI reviewer and celebrate the success the role brings. Through the role of TLI reviewer, I have learned how to reshape feedback and structure guidance to support the submissions of manuscripts to TLI.

Author Biography

Earle Derek Abrahamson, University of Hertfordshire

Earle D. Abrahamson is a learning and teaching specialist at the University of Hertfordshire (GBR). His research focusses on using the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning to enrich learning journeys.


Chick, Nancy, and Gary Poole. 2013. “Launching TLI: SoTL’s Purposes, Processes, and People.” Teaching & Learning Inquiry 1 (1): 1–4.

Gorman, Amanda. 2021. “The Hill We Climb: An Inaugural Poem for the Country.” Penguin.

Pace, David. 2004. “Decoding the Reading of History: An Example of the Process.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning (98): 13–21.

A word cloud featuring the words "peer" and "review."




How to Cite

Abrahamson, Earle Derek. 2022. “The People Behind the Publications: Reflections on a Decade of Reviews”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 10 (July).