Instructors’ Perspectives of Challenges and Barriers to Providing Effective Feedback


  • Brit M. Paris University of Calgary and Capilano University



classroom assessment, written feedback, feedback processes, instructor perspectives


Instructor perspectives regarding the challenges they experience in enacting effective feedback processes have not been the focus in the literature on effective feedback processes. This study investigated the challenges that instructors experienced in providing effective feedback to students between January and April 2020, particularly considering campus closures and the shift to online learning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This study consisted of six focus groups held between January and April 2020 with five instructors from different disciplines at the same institution with class sizes ranging from 14 to 82. Through a thematic analysis using a constant comparison method, it was found that the biggest challenges instructors experienced in providing effective feedback was their own workload, the disruption that student inaction on feedback brought to the feedback process, and how the instructors managed their own affective responses and mindsets towards feedback. These findings are discussed within the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and based on these findings, recommendations for instructors include considering their own limitations when designing feedback processes and checking their beliefs about feedback with their students’ perspectives on feedback in order to align understanding.

Author Biography

Brit M. Paris, University of Calgary and Capilano University

Brit M. Paris (PhD, 2021, University of Calgary, CA) is an Educational Developer at Capilano University in North Vancouver, Canada, and a sessional instructor in the Werklund School of Education at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Canada. This study was conducted as part of her doctoral research, which  focused on formative assessment practices in higher education.


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How to Cite

Paris, Brit. 2022. “Instructors’ Perspectives of Challenges and Barriers to Providing Effective Feedback”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 10 (January).