Sitting at the edge of (most) disciplines: Contemplating the contemplative in classroom practice

A review of The Contemplative Mind in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


  • Huang Hoon Chng National University of Singapore



Contemplative Pedagogy, SoTL, Reflective Practices, Margins of Discourse, Institutional Cultural Change


A review of The Contemplative Mind in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning by Patricia Owen-Smith, Indiana University Press, 2018.

Author Biography

Huang Hoon Chng, National University of Singapore

Dr Chng Huang Hoon is an Associate Professor (English Language & Literature) at the National University of Singapore (NUS). She has degrees in Linguistics (PhD, University of Texas at Austin) and Philosophy (B.A. Honours, NUS) She has a concurrent appointment as Associate Provost (Undergraduate Education, 2012-present) and Director (Chua Thian Poh Community Leadership Centre, from January 2019) at NUS. She is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (ISSOTL), serving as Regional Vice President (Asia Pacific), and has established a related education network in Asia called SoTL-Asia. Her most recent papers include “The idea of the university: National asset or ivory tower”? in Places of Engagement: Reflections on Higher Education in 2040 - A Global Approach, Armand Heijnen and Rob van der Vaart (eds.), Amsterdam University Press, 2018; and “Teaching excellence and the rise of education focused employment tracks” (with Johan Geertsema, Mark Gan and Alan Soong), in Global Perspectives on Teaching Excellence: A New Era for Higher Education, Christine Broughan, Graham Steventon and Lynn Clouder (eds.), London: Routledge, 2018.


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How to Cite

Chng, Huang Hoon. 2019. “Sitting at the Edge of (most) Disciplines: Contemplating the Contemplative in Classroom Practice: A Review of The Contemplative Mind in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 7 (1):191-95.



Teaching & Learning Inquiry Reviews