A self-defined professional development approach for current and aspiring educational developers





Educational Developers, Educational Development Skills, Professional Development, Professionalization, Strategies


Professional development offerings for current and aspiring educational developers can be sparse and neither fully contextually appropriate nor personally relevant given the range of experiences people bring to the field. In the absence of suitable professionalization programs, we created a self-defined professional development approach to support us in our educational developer work. Using a framework for reflective writing, we describe our approach and the strategies we implemented, and we consider at a “meta” level what contributes to the viability or success of our self-defined professional development plan. Measures for assessing success were framed using utilization-focused evaluation. We outline implications for future practice and propose that a self-defined approach to professional development could be adopted and adapted by other current and aspiring educational developers.

Author Biographies

Jennie C. Ferris, McGill University

Jennie Ferris is an Academic Associate at McGill University (CAN). She facilitates teaching and learning initiatives through workshops and program activities, and she is currently exploring diversity and inclusivity in higher education.

Carolyn Samuel, McGill University

Carolyn Samuel is a Senior Academic Associate at McGill University (CAN). She is interested in assessment, and she facilitates projects that foster sound teaching and learning practices at the university.


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How to Cite

Ferris, Jennie C., and Carolyn Samuel. 2020. “A Self-Defined Professional Development Approach for Current and Aspiring Educational Developers”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 8 (1):208-20. https://doi.org/10.20343/teachlearninqu.8.1.14.