Reading the stories of teaching and learning—ISSOTL 2016 opening keynote


  • Karen Manarin Mount Royal University



SoTL, genre, readers, discourse communities


This essay is based on the opening keynote for ISSOTL 2016: Telling the Stories of Teaching and Learning in Los Angeles, California. I argue that we should examine our unspoken assumptions about genre in SoTL and consider what elements of teaching and learning get left out because they are too hard to represent in our dominant genres.




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Author Biography

Karen Manarin, Mount Royal University

Karen Manarin is Professor of English and General Education at Mount Royal University. Her research focuses on reading, undergraduate research, and academic identity. Recent publications include the co-authored Critical Reading in Higher Education: Academic Goals and Social Engagement (Indiana UP, 2015).


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How to Cite

Manarin, Karen. 2017. “Reading the Stories of Teaching and learning—ISSOTL 2016 Opening Keynote”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 5 (1):164-71.