Developing SoTL through organized scholarship institutes


  • Elizabeth Marquis McMaster University



institutional integration, SoTL institutes, community, interdisciplinarity, professional development for SoTL


The need to further integrate SoTL into college and university cultures has been discussed relatively frequently in recent teaching and learning literature. While a number of useful strategies to assist in this task have been advanced, one especially promising suggestion is the development of organized, institutionally-recognized scholarship institutes. Centres or units of this sort have been created at higher education institutions in a number of countries, but little published information currently exists about the design of these institutes or the experiences of individuals affiliated with them. To that end, the present study sought to examine the perceived benefits, challenges and design features of teaching and learning scholarship institutes at research-intensive universities worldwide. A website scan and a survey of individuals affiliated with these units were used to collect qualitative and quantitative data of relevance to the research questions. Based on the findings, and on ideas from the existing research institute and scholarship of teaching and learning literatures, a series of recommendations for individuals and campuses interested in developing effective SoTL institutes are provided.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Marquis, McMaster University

Elizabeth Marquis is Assistant Professor in the Arts & Science program and the McMaster Institute for Innovation and Excellence in Teaching and Learning at McMaster University.


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How to Cite

Marquis, Elizabeth. 2015. “Developing SoTL through Organized Scholarship Institutes”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 3 (2):19-36.