Curriculum analytics: Application of social network analysis for improving strategic curriculum decision-making in a research-intensive university


  • Shane Dawson University of South Australia
  • Harry Hubball University of British Columbia



curriculum analytics, curriculum design, learning analytics, scholarship of teaching and learning, educational leadership, social network analysis


This paper provides insight into the use of curriculum analytics to enhance learning-centred curricula in diverse higher education contexts. Engagement in evidence-based practice to evaluate and monitor curricula is vital to the success and sustainability of efforts to reform undergraduate and graduate programs. Emerging technology-enabled inquiry methods have enormous potential to inform evidence-based practice in complex curriculum settings. For example, curriculum analytics, including data from student learning outcomes, graduate qualities, course selection and assessment activities, can be mined from various student learning systems and analysed to inform curriculum renewal strategies and demonstrate impact at both the program and course level. Curriculum analytics can serve to foster a culture of inquiry and scholarship regarding program improvements that is characterised by information sharing within and across disciplinary borders. This paper presents an innovative technology that draws on social network methodologies for assessing and visualising the integration and linkages across individual courses that ultimately form a student’s complete program of study. Insights are grounded in the literature and curriculum leadership experiences in a Canadian research-intensive university setting.

Author Biographies

Shane Dawson, University of South Australia

Shane Dawson is Associate Professor (Technology Enhanced Learning) and Director of the Learning and Teaching Unit at the University of South Australia.

Harry Hubball, University of British Columbia

Harry Hubball is a Professor and Academic Program Director for the International Faculty SoTL Leadership Program at The University of British Columbia, Canada.      


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How to Cite

Dawson, Shane, and Harry Hubball. 2014. “Curriculum Analytics: Application of Social Network Analysis for Improving Strategic Curriculum Decision-Making in a Research-Intensive University”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 2 (2):59-74.