Participatory Collaboration: Building Partnerships in Curriculum Planning


  • Patricia L Samson Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary


Mots-clés :

participatory collaboration, engagement, curriculum design, curriculum planning


Participatory collaboration involving multi-stakeholder engagement generates opportunities for creativity and innovation in curriculum planning, building partnerships between students, teachers, institutions, and communities.  Integrating student voices at planning and design levels places students at the center of this process, where meaningful input can help shape the overall learning experience. A participatory culture aids in shifting the focus of education to a learning paradigm and enhances our capacity to support and promote critical thinking across the curriculum. It embraces a constructivist view of teaching and learning, promoting and supporting authentic learning spaces within and beyond the confines of the traditional classroom setting.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Patricia L Samson, Faculty of Social Work, University of Calgary

Patricia Samson is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Calgary and has recently completed an international Delphi study on critical thinking in social work education. Her publications are largely related to the scholarship of teaching and learning. Her research interests include social work education, community-based healthcare, and mental health.


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Conference Theme: Students as Collaborators