Problem-Based Learning, Assessment Literacy, Mathematics Knowledge, and Competencies in Teacher Education


  • Kim Koh University of Calgary
  • Olive Chapman University of Calgary


Mots-clés :

Problem-based learning, prospective elementary school teachers, assessment literacy, assessment in mathematics


Problem-based learning could have a great impact in teacher education not only to support prospective teachers’ learning, but also to help them to design and implement learner-centered experiences to satisfy requirements of reform-based curriculum. In this paper, we discuss the nature and role of problem-based learning to support authentic learning opportunities in an undergraduate teacher education program. We address its use in an educational assessment course aimed at developing prospective teachers’ assessment literacy and competencies. We focus on two sections of the course for elementary school prospective teachers in which students were also engaged in activities involving assessment in teaching mathematics and share examples of the content of the course. A study of the impact of the course on the students’ knowledge is in progress.  

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Kim Koh, University of Calgary

Kim Koh, PhD is an Associate Professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary. Her research interests are in educational assessment and teacher education.

Olive Chapman, University of Calgary

Olive Chapman, PhD is a Professor in Mathematics Teacher Education at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary.


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Conference Theme: Students as Innovators